Talks in Tel Aviv

This Thursday night, on the day after my last class of the semester, I’m heading to Tel Aviv, where I’ll be participating in two events next week at the Bar Ilan Law School. First, on Tuesday, December 12, I’ll discuss my recent article on international tax policy after the 2017 U.S. tax act (see part 1 here and part 2 here). This may be the last time I discuss this piece at a seminar, but as I’m in effect expanding it (plus other stuff) into a short book, it remains reasonably fresh to me.

Second, on Thursday, December 14, I’ll be among those discussing Tsilly Dagan’s excellent recent book, International Tax Policy: Between Competition and Cooperation. We international tax policy book authors need to stick together. Her book is complementary to mine, as I’m mainly interested in the unilateral angle (what a given country might want to do absent strategic interactions between countries) and she is more interested in the strategic aspect. In the time allotted to me, I’ll discuss underlying dilemmas in the field, the book’s main contributions, and follow-up qustions or issues.